We offer a wide range of trainings to meet the needs of each of our focused areas of service. We also work with our clients, whether with individuals or organizations, to customize trainings that fit into their own set of circumstances.
Theodicy 101
The Problem of Suffering and Evil
Establishing an Effective Devotional Time for Familie
Effective Parent/Teacher Conferences
How to Optimize Home School Curricula
Learning Modalities: Fact or Myth?
Turning Homework Battles into Homework Victories
Defining Family Roles and Responsibilities
The Best and Worst about Solo Parenting
Effective Discipline that Teaches Not Preaches
Adolescent Challenges
Aligning Parenting Styles
Harmony in the Home for Non-Traditional Families
Foster Parenting: What Do You Really Need to Know?
Pre and Post -Adoption Guidance (International and Domestic)
TBRI: Trust Based Relational Intervention
Attachment Parenting
Trauma Focused
Impact of Trauma upon Children, Teen and Adults
Breaking Through the Impoverished Mentality
"I'm Not Bad, I'm Just Sad"
Protecting Our Children from Bullying and Abuse